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critical reflection中文是什么意思

用"critical reflection"造句"critical reflection"怎么读"critical reflection" in a sentence


  • 临界反射


  • Based on the critical reflection of university moral education , notion of restoring to real life should be a rational choice to improve effectiveness of university moral education
  • The youth village has various cultural facilities including an auditorium , art gallery and a teahouse . various kinds of exhibitions and activities are held here to develop youngsters appreciation of visual art and critical reflection on mass media
  • Methodological issues and tensions arising from the fact that this was a funded project have resulted in this critical reflection on the research design , processes and outcomes in which the findings are presented in four different ways
  • During the middle period of the 20th century , geoffrey barraclough accomplished his critical reflection on euro - centricity through thorough investigation and study of european middle ages history , and the perfect understanding on the changes and trends of the world
用"critical reflection"造句  


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